Outside. The safest place to be.


Our school may be closed but the GREAT OUTDOORS is not! To help support you (parents and families) who suddenly find yourselves at home with your children, we are launching a series of resources you can use to keep your children engaged in nature and learning while they are home. It is my hope that we can all embrace the silver lining of this difficult and uncertain time by taking the opportunity to get outside with our child(ren) and connect with our families and the natural world.

Here are some of the Waldorf-inspired, Nature School resources we will offer on our blog and our private Facebook group:

  • Seasonal poems, verses, and stories

  • Daily rhythm suggestions

  • Seasonal songs

  • Nature activities

  • Recipes

  • Seasonal crafts

  • Handwork ideas for caregivers

You will also have the opportunity to connect with other parents and families on the Nature (home)School journey through a private Facebook group. The digital forum is a place where you can post photos of the activities that you get up to with your children, share stories or inspirations from your outdoor adventures, and connect with other families. You will receive an email invite to join this group shortly.

I hope that you enjoy the resources and that they help you in this troubling time. I am personally very worried about the impact self-isolation is going to have on our children and Hardwood Nature School and Rowan Tree Children’s School. We believe that staying connected to the rhythms, people and philosophies of our school is essential to creating a sense of security for our children, and we are committed to supporting parents as educators with as many ideas and messages as possible. We want to provide you with resources that you can use throughout this difficult time, and we have a plan to provide regular materials for you up until April 3. It is our hope that we can continue to provide these resources as long as they are needed, so please do send us any feedback on what you are enjoying and what you feel would be helpful.

If you like these resources, please tell your friends (and hopefully they will tell their friends, too!). As a small Charitable School, we have been hit hard by having to close. Please consider making a donation to help us to re-open our doors (when the time comes) and continue to provide resources to support your Nature (home)School adventures. We truly appreciate your support and encouragement, and we look forward to this opportunity to build community with you and your family.

With gratitude,
