If you are looking for resources, songs and poems that have been shared previously on the blog, you can use the search tool on this page.
June brings more and more colour to the landscape! Look for bright orange poppies, blue chicory, purple flox, and yellow marsh marigold.
This week, we are giving a BIG shout out to Wintergreen Studios and their annual Land Art BioBlitz event. The activities we’re sharing this week are curtesy of the 2021 Land Art BioBlitz.
If you wish to share photos of your work on Instagram and tag @wintergreenstudios #landart, they would love to see folks being inspired by their Land Art BioBlitz activities!
Flutter, flutter butterfly
Floating in the springtime sky
Floating by for all to see.
Floating by so merrily.
Come bright butterfly close to me.
Your beautiful wings I should like to see.
You fly like a bird,
You sip like a bee,
But you’re really a flower on the wind set free.
Crickets begin their magical tune.
Ladybugs jig for the joy of June
Dragonflies dance as they dart by
Their whirring wings sing a lullaby.
Bumblebees buzz a melody sweet
Caterpillars tap their many feet
Oh happy hearts beat just like drummers
As June brings on the songs of summer.
Spring Song
Breezes blowing, flowers growing
Spring oh, spring is here
Come my children
Birds are singing
Summer will soon be here.
All the earth awakens
Buds are bursting daily
Lambs in dewy pastures
greet the morning gaily.
Breezes blowing, flowers growing
Spring oh, spring is here.
Come my children
Birds are singing
Summer will soon be here.
Pack your backpack with a snack, water, and extra clothes and get ready to hit the trail (or your backyard!).
Here are some ideas that you might want to try out this week:
Bring a basket on your nature adventure and look for some natural objects that appeal to you (stones, pine cones, acorns, shells…). Remember to harvest responsibly by only taking a one or two leaves / flowers from each plant (leave some for the plant!).
Earth Impressions
Press your feet into the ground. What does the ground feel like under your bare feet? Is it warm or cool? Bumpy or squishy? Moist or dry?
Click on the photo to download a PDF.
A collection of natural items.
A spot to press your feet into the earth.
Collect some natural items on your nature adventure.
Find a spot that you would like to make your Earth Impression. (Check for hazards!).
Take off your shoes.
Press your feet into the earth. Feel the ground under your bare feet.
Fill your footprint with the natural items that you collected.
Look for bees on your nature adventure. Consider where you are likely to find them? How many can you find? While you are out and about, collect some small stones to use to make a Bee Bath when you get back home.
Make a Bee Bath
Bees get thirsty too! A bee bath is a simple bee water feeder that is easy to make. Place it in your garden at home. The bees will thank you!
Shallow dish
Plant pot
River stones
Fresh water
Choose a protected and shady spot in your garden.
Set a plant pot upside down to use as the base.
Set a shallow dish on top of the upside down pot (choose a glass or ceramic dish as plastic or metal may leech into the water and be harmful to the bees).
Add a few stones into the dish.
Add just enough water to the dish so that the tops of the stones are not underwater.
Change the water daily and clean out the bee bath weekly.
On your nature adventure today look for a variety of natural objects to collect. Look for interesting leaves, flower petals, stones, sticks, and bark. Collect 4 arm-sized sticks that you will use to make a frame.
Photo Credit: Childhood By Nature
Nature Painting
Use your collection of natural objects to create a picture.
A variety of different natural objects (leaves, flower petals, sticks, bark, pebbles…)
4 arm-sized sticks
Your imagination!
Collect a variety of natural materials to use, including 4 arm-sized sticks.
Make a rectangular frame with the 4 arm-sized sticks.
Use the remaining materials to create a picture.
Go in search of a body of water today. It could be a stream, pond, lake, river, creek, or puddle. Try to find a spot where you will be able to find some leaves and bark nearby.
Jackson Creek is a great place to set sail!
Setting Sail
Look around you for some boat-building materials. What materials could you use that float?
Bark, twigs, sticks, leaves…
Collect some natural materials: bark, twigs, sticks, leaves…
Make a boat hull using bark a piece of wood or stick attached together.
Use a stick or twig for the mast and leaves for a sail.
Does the boat float? Set sail on the water!
*Hint: having trouble sticking the parts together? Try nature’s glue: tree sap!
On your nature adventure find the following items:
A Y-shaped stick
A straight stick
Acorn or other nut shell
Leaves, petals, bark…
Nature Figure Activity
Make a little nature buddy to share your adventures with!
Y-shaped stick
Straight stick
Acorn or other nut shell
Bark, leaves, petals… or other embellishments
Natural string 30 cm long (cotton, wool, hemp)
Glue (optional)
Using the string to tie a slip knot on the stem of your “Y” stick right where it splits.
Place your other stick on top and wrap the string in diagonal motions securing the two stick together.
Add a acorn or nut shell to make the head.
Tie on the embellishments (leaves, petals, bark etc.) or consider using tree sap as a glue to stick parts together.
Teacher Sabrina reading the story A Grain of Sand by Roberto Trostli.
You have the opportunity to connect with other parents and families on the Nature (home)School journey through a private Facebook group. The digital forum is a place where you can post photos of the activities that you get up to with your children, share stories or inspirations from your outdoor adventures, and connect with other families. Please follow the link to connect with other families in the online community or from Facebook - search: Nature (home)School Support.