Ideally, your children will participate in the daily life of your family, supported by the rhythms and activities sent by the teachers. In the Getting Started post we suggested a daily rhythm similar to the structure of our day in Nature Kindergarten. We encourage each family to use this material in the way that works best for them. We’re here to support you!
If you are looking for resources, songs and poems that have been shared previously on the blog, you can use the search tool on this page.
Wishing you all a Happy Easter! The teachers at Rowan Tree Children’s School would like to share an Easter greeting with some special activities for you to try with your family this weekend. We hope that these offerings bring you some joy and connection this Easter!
Happy Easter from Big and Boo!
* Needle felted rabbits by Gus & Been
Tissue paper
Cardboard (we reused an old cereal box)
Craft glue (white or clear)
Plastic sheet protector
Coloured pencils, markers, or crayons
Gather as many different colours of tissue paper as you can. This is a great way to reuse old gift wrap!
Cut the tissue paper into small pieces.
Paint a layer of glue onto the plastic sheet protector.
Place the pieces of tissue paper onto the glue and paint over them with the paintbrush. Aim to overlap the tissue paper so that there are no holes between the pieces. Then let the tissue paper dry until you can peel it off of the plastic sheet protector. *Tip: you can speed this part up by using a hair dryer!
Cut 2 egg shapes from the cardboard. Then cut out egg-shaped windows from the center of each egg.
Decorate the cardboard eggs to look like Easter eggs.
Paint the wrong side (inside) of the egg shapes with glue. Smooth the dry tissue paper ‘stained glass’ over the bottom egg shape. Trim edges that hang over the egg shape. Place the top egg shape on the tissue paper layer and press down to sandwich the three layers together.
Finished stained glass egg!
In our Nature Kindergarten, we sing ‘Mother of the Fairy Tale’ and light a candle to set the tone and the children listen attentively without interruption.
Story told by Jessica Lindeman
Look closely at the photos below. Can you find the creatures and objects listed below each photo?
Look closely…
Can you find the robin, cardinal, Easter egg, Peter, and nuthatch?
Here’s another Easter story for you to tell at home:
Adapted from a story told by Ebba Bodame. Author unknown.
May the spirit of renewal all around in the natural world fill you with energy and inspiration!
* Needle felted rabbits by Gus & Been
This is a fantastic website that has inspired me for many years. It has lots of wonderful resources and suggestions for Waldorf-Inspired activities to do with your children. Visit Meagan Rose Wilson.
You have the opportunity to connect with other parents and families on the Nature (home)School journey through a private Facebook group. The digital forum is a place where you can post photos of the activities that you get up to with your children, share stories or inspirations from your outdoor adventures, and connect with other families. Please follow the link to connect with other families in the online community or from Facebook - search: Nature (home)School Support.
We are a very small Not For Profit School. If you like these resources and find them helpful, please consider making a donation to our Nature Kindergarten program. We appreciate your support!